Celerity Software 应用

Serenity Simple Carb Counter
I wrote this app while losing over 90 poundson a low-carb diet.Most apps count calories and track the three macronutrients:fat, protein, and carbohydrates.Low-carb, ketogenic, and Atkins dieters are mainly interested intracking their "net" carbohydrate intake. This means that allcarbohydrates that do not impact blood sugar need to be subtractedfrom the total carbohydrates. This app automatically calculates the"net carbs" by subtracting dietary fibers and sugar alcohols.Use this app to:Search for common foods and automatically calculate the "net carb"count, or simply add your own entries.Track your carbohydrate intake in your daily journal.Trend your progress over a period of a week or several months tosee your improvement over time.Use the journal history to see what you consumed on a previousday.